Birthday Celebrations

Nick and I just wrapped up over a week of birthday celebrations.  Our birthdays are 3 days apart (Nov 7th and Nov 10th) so we’ve always celebrated together, but this year, the celebrations felt like they just kept coming!  We felt very honored and cherished by our friends and family.  I didn’t get pictures of everything, but our celebrations included a party hosted by our wonderful Love and Respect friends, a family celebration with just the 3 of us, a birthday dinner at PF Changs with Nick’s parents, a birthday lunch with the Agimudie family, a small celebration with colleagues at work, a family day, and a celebration with my family.  We are so blessed and had a great weeklong of FUN.

*I must say I was so overwhelmed with the amount of birthday greetings I received on Facebook.  For a person with the love language of encouraging words, the constant messages popping up all day meant so much to me.  Thank you so much for all the wonderful messages!*

An action shot of the hustle and bustle in the kitchen at Jo’s house.

Reuben is thinking really hard about where he should throw this ball. Uncle Iman is waiting in great anticipation of what choice Reuben will make.

Best buds tearing up the toy room.

Beautiful Madelyn 🙂


Enjoying an amazing spread of Mexican food.

Vivi made these adorable mustaches for all the party quests.  What do you think of Reuben with facial hair?!?

Yes, Rob is hanging out the 2nd story window holding a really long pole with a pinata attached to it.  And yes, he did remove the screen from the window in order to be able to hang out of it.  Joleen was thrilled.

Diego took a swing…

Troyer took a swing…

Reuben took a swing…

Isaiah took a swing…

Kanyon took a swing…

And we were nervous the whole time!

Finally it busted open and the kids went nuts for the candy!

Reuben ended the evening by taking a rest in Brielle’s bumbo seat.

Daddy and Reuben worked hard on a special gift for my birthday.

They presented me with the most beautiful bouquet of homemade flowers and then serenaded me.

The amazing cake and beautiful flowers at my parents’ house.

Our 11th birthday celebration together!

Between the three of us, we managed to get all 29 candles blown out!

These last 2 pictures were taken with my new Nikon Coolpix S800 (a point and shoot that takes MUCH better pics than my old one.  See pics above.)

Reuben loves his Uncle Neal.  He learned how to hitch a ride on his ankle.  He laughed hysterically with each step that Neal took.

Playing with his BFF, Cabos.

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